In the latest Condo Manager Partner Spotlight, we present to you MaxTV. The company's mission is to increase and enhance condo communication between management and owners. With its Digital Notice Boards, property managers are able to efficiently deliver daily and weekly notices and content in real-time to residents. This has become an even bigger necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic as things are changing more than ever in condos and timely communication has become ever more critical.

What Is It?
The product offered by MaxTV is intuitive and easy to understand. They are essentially screens that are installed in high traffic locations of the condo at eye-level. Some common screen locations include elevators, lobbies, laundry room, parking vestibules and mail rooms.
The content of the screen includes notices with easy-to-design templates for useful things like how to throw out garbage to gym etiquette. The screen also allows for important information such as annual general meeting dates. Beyond condo-specific information, the notice board has partnered with local media providers to bring to residents local news, latest sports results and real-time weather updates. The content is fully customizable by the property manager.
The interaction is also two-ways in that the touch screen technology allows residents to engage with the content by answering polls and also have classified ads for others to see.

How It Works
The layout of the screens are configured to fit the entire screen. There is also an optional advertising section for those condos that opt to subsidize the cost of the system via advertising revenue.
Property managers are provided with an easy-to-use platform to update the content of the screens. There are options to pre-schedule notices in advance. The management of the content of the screen is all done via the cloud, meaning the content can all be managed remotely.
How This Helps Your Condo
We have spoken about the importance of communication in previous blog posts: How and Why Condo Managers Need to Embrace Technology and 5 Critical Qualities of a Good Condo Board Member. It goes without saying that every well run condo have excellent communication channels between its property manager, boards and residents.
As previously noted, the single biggest source of conflicts between board members and property manager and also with residents is, miscommunication. Miscommunication comes in different forms: from untimely communication to unclear communication and to lack or absence of communication. It is of paramount importance that a strong board member be able to be able to set expectations to both property managers and residents and to be able to relay them through communication. Also, it is important that communication is not one-way but rather two or even three-way. Not only can this prevent conflicts, but it plays a large role in having a harmonious condo.
MaxTV's screens can play an integral role in having residents be up-to-date on what is happening in the condo and provide for a more engaged residents. If you want to get more information about becoming how MaxTV can help your community, feel free to contact us.