It is a question that every condo resident has had at some point in the past several months. What should you do if you know someone in your condo building has contracted Covid-19? We explore some course of action that you may want to take in such a scenario.

Notifying Property Management
In the case where a resident has contracted Covid-19, they would ideally self-quarantine in their respective units. However, not everyone is accountable and responsible in that way or perhaps that person is not even aware they have Covid, which is highly possible since most people with the virus are said to be asymptomatic. In such a scenario, the only real option for a fellow resident is to report it to the management company.
In the second case, where an employee or a contractor is Covid-19 positive, the same applies in that the situation needs to be reported to property management as soon as possible. A further measure in this case would be to ensure to do a deep cleaning of any spaces and areas that that employee may have come in contact with.
Going to Board of Directors
In the case where there is a long delay or lack of response by management to a possible Covid infection, the next course of action would be to bring up the concern to the condo Board of Directors. When the Board gets a hold of the issue, they have the authority to expedite it via the management company and to take the appropriate next steps.
If the management company failed to handle this health issue as a top of the list priority, then it maybe time to re-assess whether that management company is the right fit for your community. However, that is an entirely different issue.
Be Calm and Take Precautions!
Since the coming of Covid-19, we live in a vastly different world. Most are concerned about theirs and their loved ones' health. Others are grappling with financial stability and livelihoods. Most are still adjusting to day-to-day life whether with children or not and from working from home. While the pandemic may seem overwhelming at times, suspecting that someone in your condo has the virus is not the time to let panic set in.
In such a challenging scenario, you can only control what you can control. In this case, all you can do is notify property management and Board of Directors as soon as possible. Otherwise, you can also ensure to take all necessary health precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones - those precautions should have been outlined by management or they are also readily available online.
There are many small steps you can take to further protect yourself even if it's by a small margin. For example, always wear a mask in common areas, respectfully take the elevator by yourself or with those you live with, and stay two meters away from anyone in the building.
We certainly hope you all remain safe through a this challenging time. If you would like to learn more about best practices during these times, please feel free to contact us to learn how our software can make your condo more healthier.